Friday, June 12, 2009

The Hard and Fast Rules of Fashion

What is the one trend people should avoid? What is the one fashion rule everyone should follow?

These are my most asked and least favorite questions. I am often put on the spot during interviews for articles or television with these questions. Usually, I stutter through giving them an answer that suffices but that I don't entirely believe.
I am a fashion stylist. Fashion, to me, is extremely broad. I truly appreciate every piece from the functional "little black dress" to the fantastic garments that look more like art. My job as a stylist is to have a vision for how a garment, any garment, should be worn (or shown) and who should be wearing it.
My one and only rule for fashion is...that there isn't one. My only rule is more for the people wearing the fashions. NOT EVERYTHING IS FOR EVERYONE!
The fashion industry is full of creative and innovative minds, just try and get them to follow the "rules"! And thank God they don't, what great things we would have missed! Rules were meant to be broken! VIVA LA FASHION ANARCHY!

What STYLED. Is About!

Welcome to my new style blog! This blog dedicated to the question I get asked the most by my clients, "How do I wear this _(fill in the blank)_ ?"
In the entries to come I will tell you how to wear the trends and how to get the most out of the wardrobe pieces that you buy. And, of course, I will get into the new trends and "must haves" from time to time. Style is not about the money you spend on your wardrobe or the pieces that you get, it's about styling them in a way that works for you and says something about who you are.