Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Quite possibly my favorite accessory! I have collected many over the years and I rarely get rid of them. Thick, thin, waist, hips, I love and need them ALL!

Here is a fun segment I did with Rebecca Spera host of Mirror Mirror on the Live Well HD Network on the many ways of wearing a belt. I have also added my notes from the segment as a guide line.

What belts are in style? Thick, thin? Colorful? Patent?
Most all belts are in style. You should rarely give belts away. Most of them are timeless.

· When should you wear a thin belt?
Thin belts can be worn many ways. They can be worn with a trouser (in the loops), a sheath dress or even over a blazer. To get creative you can also double or triple up thin belts over a simple dress.

· When should you wear a thick belt?
Thick belts can be worn on the hips with a blousy top or dress or they can be worn at the waist or empire with an outfit that is a little more fitted.

· What belts can you wear with jeans?
If a shirt is tucked in you can wear any belt that fits inside the loops. If your shirt is untucked a belt can be worn at the waist or hips (depending on the shirt).

· What belts can you wear with a dress?
Stay away from belting A-line dresses. They were made A-line for a reason.
Side note: If you have an A-line dress that just doesn't seem quite right and you feel like it needs a little something try hemming it a little bit. A little hem on an A-line dress goes a long way.

· Body types for belts? Should a shorter woman wear a thick belt? What about someone with no waist? Can you create your own waist?
-Pear shaped women should be cautious about wearing belts at the hip. Wearing belts with garments that are empire or slightly nipped at the waist are better suited for that body type. Pear shaped women should also be careful about cinching their belts too tight, that too will accent curvy hips.
- For women with a large bust, stay away from belts at the empire or a little too high on the waist. A belt at the hips will balance you out.
-Wearing a belt at the waist can create balance on long wasted women. The opposite goes for short wasted women.

-If you are short wasted try wearing a belt at the hips.
-If you are straight up and down wearing a belt anywhere can create the illusion of a curvier figure.
· Belting a long shirt? When to tuck in your shirt and belt the pants?
Depending on the long shirt, if it’s loose, wear a belt at the hips. If it’s empire waist you can add a belt at the empire.
Crepe type materials are hard materials to belt. They tend to not lay right and make women look bigger. Just beware of materials that are not going to lay right with a belt.

One should also stay away from belting a thick sweater. Some thin sweaters can be belted, however you should keep in mind that belts often ruin the knap on knits.
Both fitted and loose can be tucked in. Just remember that when you tuck your shirt into pants you must wear a belt.

What is your one must-have belt of the season?
There are so many great belts this season. It is definitely going to be the accessory to have. If you are only going to get one belt this season I recommend a medium thick black patent leather. Black patent is going to go with so many things women already have in their closet.

What’s your one tip for wearing a belt that every woman should listen to?
Know your body type. Not every belted look is for you. Know which belted look is the best for your body type. Where ever you wear your belt is the part of the body you are accentuating.

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